PEMoffers a full  fledge Payroll and Human Resources Management  solution to assist with the Administration and Management of all aspects of employee life cycle and save hours on tedious record keeping, focusing on the important and strategic issues on which an organization depends.

PEM comes with the HR Module and the Payroll Module. It?s provide features for maintaining the organizational structure, employee?s personal information, position and jobs, Training required and attended, lateness and absenteeism tracking,  advances and a host of other features with the Payroll Module to manage employee Loan, Tax (Nigeria Standard or Organization Way), payments, Statutory deductions (Pension,Tax etc) and any other forms of deductions.
Any important information like when to proceed on leave, leave history, etc, is captured in real time, thus reducing information retrieval time. The System also supports Leave Roaster. Its Provides full fledge data security and detail audit trails up to transaction level.
Technical Aspects
Our ASP based solutions provide a versatile, thin-client architecture that is simply to deploy and easy to manage. Users interact with our solutions over the PEM?s secure network via standard Internet Browsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Explorer. This can dramatically reduce total cost of ownership by eliminating time and costs associated with desktop systems management.

The Payroll Module Features:

Multi-Company Processing   
Allow you to Create unlimited number of companies

Multi-Division/ Department

Allow you to Create unlimited number of Division and Department


Allow you create unlimited number of users per company.
Access to the system may be controlled by password and can have different access right and authorization level.

No of Employees

Create unlimited number of employee records

Employee Profiles

Streamlines the creation of employee records as it applies employee characteristics that can be assigned to a Group of employees or to an individual employee

Multiple Banking

Allow creation of unlimited banks for salary payments. Generation of Bank Transfer and Bank Schedule Report.

Advanced Pension Management

Allow to Create multiple Pension Fund Administration with full reporting capabilities


Automated and designed to replicate the Payments and Deductions Working Sheet. Includes detailed and summary option with period range and tax year selection


Transfer an employee from one payroll Location, Division, Department and Category to another or change the employee reference

Employee Picture

Assign a photograph to an employee record

Payroll Analysis

Analyze payroll values by payroll Location, Division, Department and Category

Historical Employees

Allows access to historical employee information, including pay slip images and the ability to easily re-instate an employee record if required

Audit Log

The audit log records all key field changes made throughout on the system detailed up to transactions level.

Comprehensive Reporting

An extensive range of reports are provided as standard

E-Mail Pay slip

Pay slips can be e-mailed to staff mail address.

Approval Driven

Most of the transactions undergo approval before they are finally processed

Self Service

Self Service by Employees can be done.


The Payroll can be customized to suit the specific requirements of your business

Financial Features

Payments & Deductions   
Create unlimited number of Payments and Deductions

Payee (Tax)

Allow for Automated tax computation (Standard tax Table),Rate per category, with complex legislation built in and Manual Tax Computation

End of Year Bonus

Automated end of year bonus payment based on date of appointment (Apportionment done where necessary)

Year To Date Calculation

Year to Date calculation of Pension, Tax, Union dues and all other pay emoluments.

End Of Month/End of Year Processing

Simple to run end of month and end of year processing


Automated, with deductions calculated in accordance with the Company policy on loan repayments with option of interest.

Graded/Un-graded Salary Structure

Allow to manage graded and un-graded salary structure.

Leave Allowance

Process Leave allowance on payroll or off payroll based on average earnings or an accrued amount

Payroll History

Transaction  and pay slip history?s are kept

Account Integration

Integrates with the Nominal Ledger with real-time or batch update and transfer if the Account Software support third party integration

General Process

Perform global updates of rates and values across the Payroll

The Human Resources Module:

Employee Record

Streamlines the creation of employee records as it applies employee characteristics that can be assigned to a Group of employees or to an individual employee

Employee Diary

Records sickness, holiday, maternity, compassionate leave, absence and training, in days, hours and minutes, for each employee

Employee History

Information regarding each employee records, transactions including job and salary changes  whether active or not is been kept.


Attach multiple files (e.g. spreadsheet, Word document) to an employee record and the picture

Audit Log

The audit log records all key field changes made throughout the system up to transactions level.

Comprehensive Reporting

An extensive range of reports are provided as standard.


Personnel can be customized to suit the specific requirements of your business.

Context Sensitive Help

Comprehensive and easy to use Help facilities.

Excel Integration

Import information directly into Microsoft excel.

Additional Tools

Intuitive data merge; benefit alignment and data archive routines are included. Data from previous years may be retained as required and reported on.


Budgeting/Forecasting of Companies expected expenditure can be tracked.


Superior/ Junior officers Appraisal can be done on the system